When talking about sustainable fashion, luxury brands may not be the first thing many of us associate with the word. But spurred on by consumer demand and industry interest we are seeing more luxury brands striving for sustainability, and we are even seeing luxury brands being created for the purpose of filling the sustainability gap in the market. With pioneers such as Stella McCartney, we can see that it is actually possible to be a luxury brand while not compromising on sustainability. 

With greenwashing being ever present in today’s fashion world, it can be a confusing road to go down, where to actually invest your money in a world with endless buzzwords and greenwashing, and where to actually look for sustainable and ethical brands. But don’t be deterred, there are luxury brands out there that pride themselves on producing high-quality, sustainable and ethical clothes. There are many sustainable brands to invest in, who are all striving for a more sustainable industry.

We asked the founders of three of our favourite sustainable luxury brands about their inspiration and why they deem sustainability an important part of their brands.

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